Friday, January 11, 2013

Timing...and 2013

     Timing is everything!?  Or is luck everything!?  Or is fate timing & luck and therefore everything when it comes to circumstances and life's sequences of events?  Sometimes I believe that my thoughts and actions are the main catalyst for the blessings or misfortunes that come my way.  Other times I think that fate is working it's magic because without it where is the romance?  One thing is for certain, I do believe that we create our own luck by working hard, remaining humble, and being the best person we can be to others.

    As I move on to the next chapter in life, my happiness is the focus, and the timing is perfect to help guide me along down the path to happiness.  While I am generally, a very positive, upbeat person, who has many blessings to be thankful for, as I get older and find that I tend to put too much pressure on myself to be everything to everyone, and in the meantime I forget to work on me. When mommy's forget to work on themselves, it effects everyone in the house.  Happy wife- happy life!

    So, for while I am unemployed for the first time since hostessing at Crabby Bills when I was 16, pregnant with #2, and spending precious time with my 2 1/2 year old, I am going to relish in the fact that it is all on my own terms and that there is nothing else I would rather be doing, well except personal enrichment.  Since I don't believe in making New Year's Retributions Resolutions, I did give myself some personal enriching milestones that I want to accomplish soon.

Knowing me this list will evolve and be edited (hence one reason why I don't believe in those resolution things)
  1. Dust of my sewing machine and take a lesson or two to figure out to make something useful
  2. Brush up on my Spanish; perhaps take a class
  3. Start our family side business (much more to come on this very soon)
  4. Read more, gossip less
  5. Practice yoga, meditation & minimalism
  6. Finish my Philadelphia Mural project that I keep "putting off"
  7. Continue to carve my path, remember who I am and what I want out of life( you know, the simple things)

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