Friday, January 11, 2013

Project Upcycle Ikea Kids Table

     One of my personal goals is to minimalize and downsize my possessions.  One way to be thrifty while doing so is to look at what I need and what I already have.  One example:  I need a new art table for my daughter but I am SO SICK OF PINK, because apparently Santa only has pink toys at the North Pole for little girls.  I don't want to necessarily go out and buy another one when we already have two perfectly fine tables, that are just not the right colors.  So, I took the stock dull color $19.99 Ikea LATT table and threw on some paint and duct tape (which is also easy to wipe off)  and here you have it: this suites my daughter much better (in reality, it looks better in my living room)

IKEA LATT Children’s Table and Chairs ($19.99)
Before =  Unrecognized Drag

After= Customized Swag
Acrylic Paints- $5.00
Duct Tape- $3.99
Total project = $28.98

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