Sunday, November 25, 2012

Attitude= Life's Music

      One thing I will mention a lot is ATTITUDE!  It plays a vital role in everything we do.  IF you cannot control your attitude,or at least understand how it works - you will find yourself searching for ways to make yourself happy, when you could just learn how to channel a positive attitude, which ultimately controls your happiness.  I am not a professional positive attitude owner, far from it, actually, but I do know how important it is to have a good one and how to get myself back on track when I wander away into pity party land.  Sometimes you just have to change the Pandora station to get back on track with your tude, other times, you really should just get a bitch slap. 

     So for a quick attitude check, I take a look around at the wonderful things in my life; my incredible husband, my beautiful and healthy daughter; my family who is always there for me; my friends who have become family; and my own health.  While I am very blessed at this time in my life, I still search for my universal contribution.  What am I intended to do?  The paths that we choose when we are in college, dazed and confused for the most part, are choices that we make when we are young and up against a decision deadline.  Through a series of choices, I found myself in the world of Fashion Merchandising- which proved to be exciting and fulfilling in my twenties, as it coincided with my lifestyle and superficial social admiration.  Through a couple great mentors along the way I continued to make retail my career.  Having a couple great leaders out of an ocean was not enough- I needed more.   Flash forward:  married, child, Masters degree is what I would call "more".  But, for me it's still not enough.  I am plotting my dreams, now it's about having the right attitude to make the small spaces in time add up to the big picture.  I'm in control.  For awhile there, I was beginning to think otherwise. 

Not "Like a Boss"

    "Desperate times call for desperate measures".  This saying dates back to Hippocrates, on some Greek philosophical talk.  And I have to admit, this has been my attitude these past few weeks, or even months, if I want to be honest with myself.  As proud and confident as I am- I have had a unimaginable time adjusting to the change at work, otherwise known  as my new B-O-S-S.  Unlike "a boss" she has no game, no real contribution, or positive influence that I have been able to decipher underneath all of the ass kissing and fake gestures.  Although these are my opinions, there are some real incidents that have taken place that have forced me to take "desperate measures" - I am not just pouting about the changes, or the fact that after one year of no boss, we get this lady.  Since day one, she has displayed a pretentious, know-it-all, attitude, when in reality she was incompetent in her role.      Fast forward five months later, the attitude is the same, however she has mercilessly taken aim at myself.   Because this issue has not yet been settled in (my corporate office) court, I will refrain from sharing details.  Point to be known here, is that time has come where I have to take a stand for what is right.  Desperate measures.  Going over her big head to her boss, something I would never dream of doing in my past life.   My fate will be revealed soon enough- these past few weeks have made me realize that a job should never be worth forfeiting nights away from your family plus working directly for someone who has it out to get you.  Maybe I could do one or the other- just not both- not now.  Not with Baby #2 on the way.  If you have ever seen Horrible Bosses, you can picture the frustration I dealt with.  Although she didn't have a coke habit, that I knew of.